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VBS Gusto

School is out for most kids. That means many parents immediately search for vacation Bible school options. And some parents will be checking if a program has some VBS gusto!

VBS Gusto Cartoon: A parent wants to know if vacation Bible school will have gusto.

Finding the Right VBS Program

It can be difficult for parents to find a good program for their kids. This article from provides a great overview for a parent that doesn’t know much about VBS programs and would like to get their kids involved.

Many Christian publishers create VBS curricula for churches. As you search for a program, you’ll find many similar themes. Some will focus on adventure, while others will have a sports theme or a Bible history theme. Then there will be those with a nature or animal theme. There is probably a VBS theme for every child’s interest or preferences.

VBS Memories

I have fond memories of vacation Bible school as both a child and a volunteer. Whenever I think of VBS, a song from one program comes into my mind. I would have been about seven years old when I attended that program. VBS can have quite an impact on a child!

My first volunteer experience was when I was about seventeen years old. Somehow, Mom convinced me to volunteer. To my surprise, I loved it! Perhaps it was because I discovered volunteers could eat the snacks too.

But whatever the reason, I found I enjoyed working with kids. It was my first introduction to children’s ministry. Who would’ve thought nearly forty years later I would still love volunteering?

When I worked for a Christian publisher, we didn’t have a single curriculum we would publish or promote. Instead, we would create ancillary products that could be used for VBS. But when I went to the Christian Booksellers’ convention, it was always fun to see what the new themes and colorful graphics would be for the next year.

Whatever program you send your child to, make sure it has some VBS gusto… and some moxie!

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.