Internet love Social Media

Is It Easier or Harder to Love Your Neighbor These Days?

Is social distancing getting the better of you these days? Do you find it hard to love your neighbor while maintaining a distance of at least six feet (1.8288 meters)? Do you find yourself wondering what everyone else is doing on the other side of the fence?

This morning, my wife and I went to the grocery early. We figured it was best to get there before the crowds really kicked in. Well, the crowds were already at our grocery by 7:00 AM. I can only imagine how it would go up from there. The cashier remarked that they were going to limit the number of people within the store Monday and that would add to today’s crowds.

I needed some items at the local big-box retailer. It was less crowded. But that was because they were already limiting the number of people in the store. Both places were limiting the amount of “necessary items” you could purchase. At the big-box retailer, I saw a guy stopped for attempting to purchase an excess of bathroom tissue. It was probably for the best. The guy could not have gotten all of that into his car anyway.

I have to admit, it’s been easier to keep in touch with my friends in other states than locally. It seems silly to have a video conference with someone in the same town, but acceptable to do the same with someone out of state. I’ll need to get over that stigma.

The Internet and social media make it easier for me to keep in touch with friends and family. But I am ashamed to admit it’s hard to connect with the family next door since I don’t know their names. This extended time of quarantine has made me reconsider how I connect with people and what is the best way to do that once we get back to some form of mobility again.

What about you? Have you found it easier or harder to connect with your neighbors during the stay-in-place orders?

Illustration of a man suspiciously looking over a fence while a dog observes him with Concern
Copyright © 2007 Kevin Spear
Internet Social Media Social Media

Discretion in a Hyper-Sharing World

YouTube was well on its way when I wrote and drew this cartoon in 2009. We have done so much more with social media since then. According to a site, 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. That’s a lot of cat videos!

Should every moment be shared? It no doubt affects the behavior of people if they are performing for social media. It may be tempting to do something outrageous if the goal is to get as many views and likes that you can.

Discretion is a word that isn’t used much when it comes to social media. It is something that comes with maturity and is easy to forget in the heat of the moment. But it is something we all need to keep in mind. It takes wisdom to do this. Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes. Unfortunately, it can be very embarrassing and life-changing if you make your mistakes on social media for all to see.

Before you get ready to post that video, before you post your opinion or respond to that obnoxious post with an equally obnoxious response, consider discretion. Use your better judgement. Let’s keep ourselves from wishing we could take that comment or video back.

Social media is a powerful tool. Let’s use it wisely.

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, "You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It's already posted on Youtube!"
Social Media

Permanent Record

Sketch of a man surprised by seeing his permanent record

I was thinking about permanent records this afternoon. They may have been out there before, but the Internet has made record keeping so much easier and effective. It’s almost too easy.

I’m not one of those people who fret for the good, old days. Each era has its own triumphs and trials. Sure, the seventies were fun, but you couldn’t make me go back and relive grade school. You couldn’t even bribe me with my permanent record.

It’s a new era, and we must be aware of it. Whatever I do or post, can be out in cyberspace forever, or at least until all the world’s servers give up the ghost. I want to make sure whatever I post will be okay with an older me, or my kids… maybe grandkids. How about you?