cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Religion Cartoons Safety Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Where’s Your Faith?

Cartoon of a boy about to jump off a roof with handmade wings

Cartoon of two boys. One is wearing some handmade wings He is getting ready to jump off a roof. The other is on a ladder. The boy on the ladder says, “Where’s your faith?”

Adobe Illustrator Bible cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Proverbs Safety Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Falling Pride

Cartoon of boy with bike helmetCartoon of boy with a bike helmet. He says to another boy, “Since pride comes before a fall, I’m wearing a helmet.”

children cartoons Illustration Friday Safety Cartoons webcomic

Webcomic: I’m Flying!

Webcomic-Illustration Friday: Flying

Cartoon of injured boy. He says to another, “I learned even if it feels like you’re flying, it isn’t worth it to jump off a swing in mid air.”

Yes, I tried this a few times as a child. The swing is an unforgiving master. I got smacked in the back a few time. But I didn’t get any broken bones. I have no idea how I escaped that fate!

I drew this comic for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “Flying.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

cartoon Illustration Friday relationship cartoons Safety Cartoons

Caution to the Wind

Caution to the wind

Cartoon of man and woman. Man says, “Next time, when I throw caution to the wind, I’ll make sure it’s not a headwind. “

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is, “caution.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator Safety Cartoons School Cartoons

Drawing a day 13


Yesterday I was asked to act as a science teacher for our Wednesday night church kids.

We were supposed to have a science experiment. I was handed the materials on Sunday, had vacation time Sunday and Monday, and got to see what it was all about on Tuesday evening. I didn’t have time to try the experiment ahead of time. Big mistake!

Nothing exploded, thank heavens. No one got hurt, no one passed out, but the experiment didn’t work. Chalk one up to “should have tried the experiment ahead of time!