cartoon children cartoons

A Block of Mercy Cartoon

Daily, we are tempted to react and get revenge for those that are rude, crude, and just plain mean. Like the boy in this “block of mercy” cartoon, we want to get even before we think of forgiveness.

Block of Mercy Cartoon. A boy says, "Can I sho mercy to Kenny after I knock his block off?"

Mercy can be hard, can’t it? It’s especially hard with siblings. The only time siblings feel like giving mercy is when they are the ones in need of it. Just ask my siblings. I got much more mercy than I deserve. Wait a minute… you can’t earn mercy, can you? Because if it is deserved, it isn’t mercy.

Lately, we’ve heard a lot of talk about getting rid of toxic people in our lives. Kids may make a choice to ghost their parents. We may decide to shun someone who doesn’t agree with our views. Yet, what is the result if we get rid of anyone who gives us grief? How long would it be before there wouldn’t be anyone in our lives?

Shunning is better than reacting aggressively to an offender. Yet, there is a far better way. When we mess up, we would like someone to show us mercy. Why not return the favor and do the same for someone else?

It would be nice if we could just order up some kindness and grace when we need it. At least you can have a block of mercy cartoon as a reminder of how hard it can be, yet how much we all need a nice dose of undeserved forgiveness.

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.

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