children's ministry children's ministry cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Volunteers and Fruit Hats

Cartoon of a man wearing a fruit hat. A woman says, "You make a fine volunteer. Only yo could wear the Fruit of the Spirit hat so well."Children’s ministry volunteers are called upon to wear unique costumes. I’ve dressed as a mad scientist, superhero and a construction barrel. Yes, a construction barrel. I had to get in touch with my inner highway barricade.

I have not had the opportunity to don a Carmen Miranda hat and discuss The Fruit of the Spirit with a classroom. Though that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. It would have to be real fruit. Otherwise, I could chip a tooth if I bite into a hard plastic apple.

I drew this cartoon for Kidzmatter Magazine.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.