church cartoons Religion Cartoons webcomic

Webcomic: Clergy Appreciation Month

Cartoon of two men. A glowing halo floats between them. One man says, “Happy Clergy Appreciation Month! I polished your halo.”

I’ve known plenty of pastors. The very first one was my grandfather. I learned very early on they all have hearts of gold but are flawed just like the rest of us. Be sure to show your pastor appreciation. But don’t put them or their families on pedestals. We’re all afraid of heights.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3. I also drew this for the CHOG E-newsletter.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.

2 replies on “Webcomic: Clergy Appreciation Month”

Dear Mr. Spear,
I really enjoy your work. I publish a monthly newsletter for our Church and would like to include some of your cartoon devotions and cartoon illustrations. This newsletter is only for our church family. We have about 125 in the congragation and we do not charge for this newsletter. We would put all your web informaion on each occasion. I can be reached with a response at Thank you for your time and congratulations on such a wonderful talent.

Leticia Anguiano

Dear Leticia,

Thank you for checking. I have my cartoons on a non-commercial, Creative Commons license. You may use them just as you asked above for non commercial purposes.

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