gag cartoon

Cartoon: Welcome bag

Cartoon of a man wishing he had gotten a welcome bag

Cartoon of a grumpy man talking to a woman with a welcome bag. He says, “I’ve been here sixty-four years, but I’ve never got a welcome bag.

We get so wrapped up in ourselves. Sometimes, instead of considering how to make someone new feel welcome, we think back to how we were treated when we were the new kid. If you never were the new kid, That can make it harder to get the newcomer goodies, can’t it?

If an organization is to grow, we need continue thinking about others than ourselves. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Go to a similar church or organization for a visit. See how they treat visitors. The nice thing about this exercise is you can learn tips whether they are a good example or not. Learn what it’s like to be a visitor.
  • Get the members of a church or organization to realize the growth of something they value depends on how welcomed a newcomer feels.
  • Carefully evaluate whether your organization is too welcoming or not welcoming enough. There is a fine line and it can depend on the personality of the newcomer. Some people want to be welcomed enthusiastically. Others want to be anonymous until they can come to you on their terms. Consider where that middle road is that make the most people feel welcomed.

I drew this for the March, 2013 Church of God e-newsletter.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.