Exercise motivation productivity

Exercise is the key to a Productive Day

Richard Branson is known for his unconventional leadership. An article by Jeff Steen reveals his connection between exercise and productivity.


“The only reason I’m able to do all the things I do and to keep on top of a busy schedule without getting too stressed is because I stay fit.”

Richard Branson through a CNBC interview

It goes on to say that while exercise has many benefits, it also relieves stress and depression. I have to agree with the article. Exercise has been a part of my routine for twenty years. Between that and my spiritual practices, it has helped me stay active and productive through the good and challenging times. It has also helped me whenever I needed to get the creative juices going!

Our bodies were made to move. We don’t have to do marathons or Iron Man Competitions. You can start where you are. If you haven’t exercised for some time, a walk around the block is a good start.

Wherever you are, make exercise part of your daily routine. It has been a great benefit for me. And it can be for you as well.

activities Adobe Illustrator Bible illustration Story figures The Gospels

Story Figures: Jesus Calms the Storm

Illustration for a curriculum activity. I drew these figures for the story of Jesus and the storm. Based on John 6:16-€“21; Matthew 14:22-€“36

I drew this activity a couple of years ago. It was fun working on this one. I imagined how the kids would act out the story as one child would “rock” the ocean and another child would add voices to the scared disciples. I’ve always admired Peter’s chutzpah in this story too!

activities Adobe Illustrator children cartoons children's ministry Religion Cartoons

Being Courageous

Being Courageous Join Winter 2008-2009

These are illustrations I did for a Sunday school take home paper. Each illustration shows a child who shows courage in a situation such as praying before lunch, refusing to smoke and watching an inappropriate movie.

I drew these in Adobe Illustrator.