Christmas holiday

Away in in a Marketed Manger

Cartoon of a Bethlehem Christmas scene with obnoxious sign

Bethlehem scene with a big sign that says, “See the newborn king here!”

There’s a song/skit I love from Stan Freburg called Green Christmas.

In the skit, it talks about how Christmas is marketed mercilessly. Let’s face it. Most Christmas marketing is just cheesy. Any time you take a meaningful story and use it to sell something, it doesn’t come across as genuine.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that because, well, I don’t want to be cheesy. I like content marketing because it adds value more than sells. But where do you draw the line? When does content marketing become cheesy? When it becomes about the product instead of the customer, I suppose.

Still, that can be difficult to discern when there is a sales quota.


Develop your eccentricities early

“Develop your eccentricities early, and no one will think you’re going senile later in life.” David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man