adventure webcomic

Risk, Rewards, Regrets, and Resolve


Risk inherently means there is a possibility of failure. If you don’t wash your hands, you could wind up sick. If you play in a busy street, there is a good chance you’ll wind up in the hospital or morgue. If you put all your money on one stock, you could become rich or have a lot of scrap paper lying around.

When a person feels they have nothing to lose, they take big risks. The more money and success someone has, they become risk averse.

Business Cartoons children cartoons webcomic

No daylight savings here

Cartoon of a girl at a bank talking to a teller

“I’d like to make a withdrawal on all I saved practicing Daylight Saving Time.”

Guest Blog Post

2/11/16 – DISCovering Your Unique Value – Career Connectors

Cartoon of a woman saying to a man, “Your DISC Assessment came back. Your so unique, your classified as a square.”

On February 11, 2016, I blogged for the Scottsdale Career Connectors event. Sandi Ashton (with Optimizing Excellence) spoke on using your DISC assessment personality profile can help you in a job search and your personal life.


11/12/15 – The Power of You – Career Connectors

Scottsdale hills
Scottsdale hills (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I had the privilege to blog for last week’s Career Connector’s event in Scottsdale. Gloria Petersen with Global Protocol gave us great advice on presenting ourselves in the best light. She also challenged us to make challenges work for us, not against us. Here is an excerpt and link to the blog recap:

Determination is what it takes to beat the odds.  When Gloria went through a trial, she had to persevere to make it through the other side. That is the power of each one of us. […]

Source: 11/12/15 – The Power of You – Career Connectors


I’m in a Career Connectors Testimonial

In October, I had the opportunity to give a video testimonial about the Phoenix area Career Connectors. It is on the Employer Services section of their web site. Here is the video:

When I came to Phoenix this past July, I realized very quickly my job wasn’t nearly as effective with computer job boards. I was very relieved to find a group like Career Connectors that provides knowledge about the employment in the Sun Valley, helpful resources and some inspiration. I wholeheartedly endorse Career Connectors.