
Autumn in the spring activity (in progress)

Puzzle_pg3_psd___71_8___Color_Fill_1__RGB_8___I’ve been working on an activity book lately. In this activity, the student finds and circles the activities that AREN’T spring activities. Though truth be told, I’ve seen a snowman in the spring time. He was mushy and didn’t look very happy, but those around him were more than happy he was dissolving into a puddle.

I am illustrating this activity for Warner Press. This book will come out January, 2015.

As I am writing this, it is autumn in my neck of the woods. What are your favorite autumn activities?


Coloring Page

Coloring page- Pumpkin and Mouse

Coloring page of a pumpkin and mouse

It’s autumn around here. The leaves are turning and soon the kids will be flocking to apple orchards and pumpkin farms.

Here’s a little coloring page for your classroom or for home. The mouse has a little pumpkin all for himself. But watch out for him. He likes corn too!

Click on the image to download a larger version of this coloring page.

single panel cartoon

Bonfire with Friends

Cartoon of two mice at a bonfire and a cat. A mouse says, “Nothing like a bonfire with friends, is there?”

The thing I like about bonfires in autumn is the mysterious, spooky feeling. I can see what’s going on around the bonfire, but what’s lurking out there beyond the warm glow? Only The Shadow knows. Wait! That’s “What evil lurks within the hearts of men.” Sounds like Halloween to me.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

children cartoons Illustration Friday

IF: Smoke

This time of year brings back great memories of leaf piles, trick or treating and Grandma’s strawberry pie (her pumpkin pie was okay but ooh! That strawberry!)

One of the things I’m not keen about growing up is when you have to act responsible when there is work to be done. Forget the raking! Can’t I just jump in those leaves once?

Of course, the other downside of growing up is the forty-year old, big body isn’t taking that jump in the leaves as that ten year-old body. Someone get the ambulance, please.