
How do I know if something is too risky?

When we would take family trips to Florida in the summer, it seemed that no matter what week we took, The Discovery Channel was playing Shark Week. There was nothing like watching shark attacks the evening before, then going to the beach. I probably had those experiences in mind when I posted this cartoon.

Watching Shark Week didn’t prevent us from going to the beach. We laughed about the over-the-top stories. Sure, some of them were harrowing and we took what we could learn from them. We knew it was more dangerous to wade in the water at sunrise or sunset. We realized we needed to be aware of our surroundings in the water. But it didn’t prevent us from having a good time.

Leadership in Risky Times

Today, leaders are facing all kinds of decisions involving risk. COVID-19 is causing business, government, and institutional leaders to make some tough decisions.

  • When should we open businesses?
  • When and how should we open churches?
  • Where and when should we wear masks?
  • How do you enforce social distancing without being authoritarian?
  • What will be the best way to get kids back in school this fall?

It would be nice if the answers were as obvious as a shark enticing a bather with fake sincerity. There are a lot of unknowns. Our decisions will be complicated with the understanding there will be some risk that wasn’t there last year. Yet, all of us will have to take on some of that risk to move forward.

The odds of being attacked by a shark are 1 in 11.5 million even when you only include people who go to a beach. We are still trying to get a handle on how likely someone is likely to get the coronavirus. It will likely increase as time moves on. In any case, it will be best to continue practices such as social distancing, frequent handwashing, and sanitizing surfaces. We will need to learn how to live with this virus while maintaining safe practices and restarting our lives.

Cartoon of a boy and a shark. The shark says, "Hey, Buddy! Let me know when you're going to get in the water, okay?"

Autumn in the spring activity (in progress)

Puzzle_pg3_psd___71_8___Color_Fill_1__RGB_8___I’ve been working on an activity book lately. In this activity, the student finds and circles the activities that AREN’T spring activities. Though truth be told, I’ve seen a snowman in the spring time. He was mushy and didn’t look very happy, but those around him were more than happy he was dissolving into a puddle.

I am illustrating this activity for Warner Press. This book will come out January, 2015.

As I am writing this, it is autumn in my neck of the woods. What are your favorite autumn activities?



Something looks fishy

Cartoon of a half-fish, half-man creature
Cartoon of a man fish. a boy stares at him. The caption says, “There were times Ryan wished his mother wasn’t a mermaid.”

Deep down, everyone wishes they were someone else. Personally, I think it would be nice to be half-fish/half-man. I’d never have to leave the beach!

Illustration Friday

Beach Tastee Freeze

Illustration of a boy on a beach with a slushie drink.

When I thought of Illustration Friday’s word, “freeze,” I thought of one of my favorite summer treats. Whether you for for Tasty Freezeâ„¢, slushies, Slurpees, shaved ice, Italian Ice, Mr Freezeâ„¢, snow cone, or any other type or brand, They are just the right treat when you’re on a hot beach!

I drew this using Adobe Ideas for the iPad, then Adobe Illustrator.

sketch journal

Beach Oracle

I drew this about twelve years ago at the beach. I wonder now what this boy was thinking as he was staring at the shell and if he ever got his questions answered.

Most adults look at kids and think they have a carefree existence where everything is better than anything an adult could be going through. But as a teacher, I’ve seen experience some tough situations. School and family can be enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone a nine year-old!

Kids need some time to decompress and de-stress too. In the USA, we’re about to enter a holiday weekend. Take some time to relax, and give your kids a chance to do so as well.

Boy stares thoughtfully at a sea shell