cartoon church cartoons

Church Bulletin Deadlines

Pastors and church administrative professionals have to be aware of church bulletin deadlines. They can ruin the day for an unorganized pastor!

One day, my wife came home and discussed the challenges of an associate trying to meet the deadline for the newsletter. This led to the following cartoon.

Church bulletin deadlines cartoon. A woman says,  “If you don’t get me the copy for the bulletin in ten minutes, Sunday morning church will be canceled.”
children's ministry CHOG News Christianity Community Mother's Day Newsletters

Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day

This year, I got to write an article about baby and child dedication in my church tradition. Tomorrow, in many churches, there will be a connection between baby dedication and Mother’s Day.

Baby Dedication and the Heart of a Mother via
children's ministry cartoons

Why Inviting a Friend is so Powerful

This cartoon was for a magazine series on encouraging kids to bring their friends to church. It demonstrates why inviting a friend is so powerful.

cartoon on why inviting a friend is so powerful. One boy says, "I brought a friend today. Just call me 'The Great Commissioner.'"
©2013 Kidzmatter Magazine and Kevin Spear

When I first wrote this blog post, I had been going to job and career seminars in a new city. One thing I’ve heard repeatedly is that job postings on Internet sites are not nearly as effective as finding work through a friend. Since this was my first big move, I had no idea how crucial that was. It took a few months to make friends and find good work.

church cartoons

A Different Kind of Shepherd Cartoon

I’ve been in church life since I was an infant. My grandfather was a pastor and my parents were heavily involved. So I used my church experience over the years to come up with this different kind of shepherd cartoon.

Cartoon of Sheep in a pasture. One says to another, “Don’t get me wrong! I love our shepherd. It's just that I prefer a different style of herding.”

Leadership can be tough when nobody wants to be a follower. It’s even harder when everyone in the group is about aggressive as a sheep, yet refuse to be led. I’ve seen a few pastors face this situation. You have to beware of sheep with fangs!

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Old Curriculum

Change can be hard in churches and in children’s ministry. I remember one church that had some old curriculum dating back ten years or more. One of the teachers was comfortable with it and had no desire to update or refresh the lessons.

This led to the following cartoon idea:

Cartoon of two women with scrolls

Truths are timeless. But cultural references can get stale quickly. If you have a curriculum that references pet rocks, mimeographs, or George Beverly Shea, your lessons probably need to be updated.

That isn’t to say new is always better. Many churches are on tight budgets. Plus, lessons of the past can have a solid track record that the new curriculum can’t compete with. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it, right?

Publishers and Old Curriculum

That said, I sympathize with publishing houses. After all, It is very difficult to keep a business going when past lessons work just fine. Is it the teacher’s problem that a publishing house needs to keep the lights on? No, but we lose something special when we lose a publisher due to economics.

I’ve been on the side of the teacher’s desk and the publisher’s. I’ve come to realize we need each other. Without innovation coming from publishers, we begin to lose our effectiveness to reach new generations. And without affordable options, teachers have to find ways to cut costs without losing their ability to reach kids.

In other words, Kids haven’t changed over the years, but culture sure has! What may have grabbed a child’s attention in the 1970s won’t do so now. Technology has grown and our attention spans have shrunk. We need to keep teaching timeless truths but do so in a dialect that speaks to today’s culture.

I drew this cartoon for Kidzmatter Magazine.

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.