Attitude motivation

Does complaining do any good?

When I drew this cartoon and posted my blog, Wilted Complaints, I was preaching to myself. Three years after this post, I got into a bad habit of complaining. I rendered myself ineffective at work because I let challenges overwhelm me. Instead of working on the problem, I would complain with colleagues about how insurmountable the odds were. Meetings weren’t effective. The planning seemed pointless. It was all because I was stuck in a complaining mode.

What about venting? Can I vent?

When tensions are high, or when we are in a situation alike a coronavirus lockdown, we all need to vent a little. If I don’t talk with my wife about what’s bugging me, it will simply build up.

The Web Economic Forum has an article on why it’s okay to vent about the coronavirus as long as it doesn’t become a habit. We are naturally going to be frustrated when things aren’t going the way we like. And very few people are excited about being in lockdown for several weeks (with the exceptions of some dogs and hermits).

The problem with a complaining habit is that it doesn’t solve anything.

  • It absolves me of responsibility
  • Instead of speaking life into a situation, it speaks death
  • It lets things fester like picking a scab
  • It doesn’t make for a pleasant companion (and who wants to isolate even further?)

I am starting to read a book entitled, The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal With Negativity at Work by Jon Gordon. I’ll let you know about the highlights. Complaining is a habit that is too easy to start. Let’s find ways to be positive today and keep our plants from wilting.

Cartoon of two women next to a wilted plant. One woman says, "It's a valuable plant. When I complain, it wilts."

Christmas Whining

If fish celebrated Christmas, they would need a Christmas tree that worked in their environment. They would need to adapt to the holiday traditions that could work underwater. Whining about traditions and customs that don’t work doesn’t help much.

Cartoon of two fish staring at a tree. One say, "Every Christmas, it's the same thing. When will they make a Christmas tree that won't float?" If a Christmas tree floats, find one that doesn’t!

Yet, how many times are people like the fish in this cartoon? We complain about things that we feel are out of our control instead of doing something about it.

  • We can change the situation
  • We can find the good side of a problem
  • We can find a solution that benefits everyone
  • We can let go of a tradition or custom in order to create a new, exciting one

Finding a problem is easy. Finding a solution and doing something about it is powerful.

Attitude motivation

The Easiest Way to Be a Blessing

Actually, it’s simple. It may not be easy at first. There have been times when I knew better and didn’t follow this simple way to bless others. Just yesterday, my wife had to call it to my attention that I wasn’t following this simple verse.

When I have followed it, things ran much smoother. When I haven’t it has made bad problems worse. It’s this:

Do everything without grumbling or arguing

Philippians 2:14 NIV

It’s counter-cultural no matter what culture you are a part of. We are wired, after all, to find problems. We are inclined to find issues to complain about. And it doesn’t take much to find someone who is willing to argue with you.

However, if you follow this verse, you can bless yourself as well as everyone you come in contact with today. Some days it may be hard. But it is always worth it.


Wilting Complaints

One of my recent cartoons just appeared in the April Edition of the Church of God Newsletter. You can see it here.

It’s about complaining. When I thought of this idea, I was thinking how criticism can sap the life right out of someone while encouraging words give strength.


Wilted Complaints

Cartoon of two women next to a wilted plant. One woman says, "It's a valuable plant. When I complain, it wilts."

Cartoon of two women next to a wilted plant. One woman says, “It’s a valuable plant. When I complain, it wilts.”

Oh, it’s so easy to complain, isn’t it? Something doesn’t go the way I think it should, and the next thing I know, I complaining a blue streak. I get upon my throne and declare the way things should be. Naturally, the world would be a better place if everyone just listened to me!

But the world isn’t going to cooperate. Billions of people have billions of opinions. Many are legitimate concerns. When injustice and selfishness hurts other people, protests and complaints are legitimate.

But when things aren’t going to change, no matter how much I whine, there comes a point, when the complaining is as bad as the offense. Today, I’m going to look for one of those plants. Surely there must be one out there that will let me know when my speech is becoming less than helpful.