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Why do compliments make me uncomfortable?

This article from Inc. Magazine had me thinking about compliments.

We all like to think we’re doing a good job, so why do we downplay them? Like this previous post I wrote suggests, we like to think giving compliments is a sign of generosity and can even boost our likeability and popularity a bit… that is if they’re seen as genuine. Besides, who wouldn’t want a can of tuna?

Cartoon of a girl with a can of tuna. She is surrounded by cats. The girl says, "Popularity is easy. All you need is a can of tuna."

Compliments can make us uncomfortable for the following reasons:

  • It makes us feel we didn’t earn something when someone claims you have.
  • They may not sound genuine. As the Inc. Magazine article states, sincere compliments are key.
  • We may have been taught to be humble.
  • A complement may challenge us to an even greater standard.

If a compliment sounds genuine, and it resonates with me, I say accept it. Don’t try to belittle it by playing it down. Let’s all be generous with giving sincere compliments and receiving them.

church cartoons

Non GMO sermons

Cartoon of a man shaking a pastor's hand. He says, “What a great sermon, Pastor! I could tell it was not genetically modified.”I admire the pastors who have delivered sermons ever since I was old enough to recognize it was my Grandpa at the pulpit and he was saying some pretty deep things. 

I look at the guy who is trying to flatter the pastor as clueless. Perhaps he has grabbed on to a phrase that he has no clue about and just wants to sound sophisticated. 

When you shake hands with your pastor this morning, be sure your complement suggests you actually heard and retained the sermon within your good old noggin.