motivation Running

Running Against the Wind

Yesterday, Autumn made it clear it was here to stay. There was a dusting of snow on the ground and the wind was stiff. Bob Segar’s, Against the Wind came to mind. For the first time this season, I didn’t run in shorts. My legs thanked me. I searched for a pair of running gloves and a warm hat.

Depending on the direction I ran, the wind made me cold. I was glad for the gloves, warm hat, and jacket. It made things doable. When my back to the wind, I was tempted to think I didn’t need any of the warmer clothing. It was easy to think it was all overkill. But a sudden gust or change in direction soon proved me wrong.

My reward was the last few bursts of autumn color, and a cup of hot coffee and breakfast when I was done. Getting the courage to go out can be a challenge, but I am always glad I did.

Photo of read, autumn leaves
Photo of red autumn leaves © 2021 Kevin Spear

When we face any venture, we will have resistance like the wind. Yesterday’s run reminded me of the following:

  • Be prepared
    • The wind doesn’t care if you’re prepared of not. It will just blow
    • Being unprepared prevents me from enjoying myself
    • Being prepared helps me enjoy new experiences
  • Cursing the wind doesn’t make it go away
  • Giving up when there’s resistance prevents me of something better
  • There is always something beautfiul along the way

When you’re facing resistance, be prepared, face it, and enjoy the experience on the other side. It’s worth it!


The Value of Determination

We all know someone who is determined. Another word for it is stubborn. Anybody who has a pet that doesn’t do quite what they want it to do probably considers the fur baby stubborn. Of course, the pet is probably thinking the same thing about its owner!

Determination is needed more now than ever.

  • The United States has been knocked by the coronavirus pandemic for two months now
  • Some states are allowing businesses to restart
  • Business owners have to figure out how to operate in this new environment
  • Employees have to consider if their jobs are still viable or if they need to find work elsewhere
  • Corporate offices have to figure if it is still best for everyone to work remotely or to modify office space for health and safety

Determination will be as valuable and desirable as an asset as a nice stash of bathroom tissue was six weeks or so ago. We will need to be determined to bring the economy back online. This doesn’t mean we must be determined to make things the way they were. Rather, we will need to use ingenuity, creativity, and patience to make things work in a new reality.

Let’s all lead the way to a new way of doing things. Let’s be as determined as a little dog that really wants to go to school.

Cartoon of two boys walking. One has a dog in his bookbag. The boy says, "I don't know what's gotten into my dog. Lately, he's been so sneaky."
children's ministry cartoons

Flying Objects of Biblical Proportions

There’s nothing like a good Bible story to inspire preschoolers. And there’s no other story like David and Goliath to get the kids going.

It is the story of the underdog going at the champion by faith. David has no armor, his brothers aren’t supportive. The king has the attitude of “good luck, because you’re going to need it!”

And yet, the kid conquers the giant. David doesn’t just barely make it. He kills him, collects the spoils and causes the enemy army to run in disarray. The unthinkable suddenly becomes reality because a boy had faith and determination.

So I can understand if a preschooler gets excited and wants to try out her own slingshot skills. Just be careful when that happens. You may want to bring some safety glasses to Sunday school this morning, just in case.


How to Succeed by Disappointing Someone

Over the years, I have owned cats and dogs. Dogs can be easier to handle because all they want to do is please their owner. However, I have admired cats over the years because of their determination. If they want to climb the drapes, they are going to do it, by golly! If you don’t want a cat on the table, just watch them try to get up there. They’ll find a creative way to sneak up there. Dogs are people pleasers. But cats are goal-setters.

There are times when we need to do both. However, if you have a goal that is going to ruffle some feathers, you will disappoint someone. Some people don’t like change no matter how beneficial it could be. Others are simply not going to see things your way.

In order to make effective change, you are going to disappoint someone. There is no need to be perfidious, but there will be a need to hold your ground when you have a goal or initiative that will bring great results in the long run.

Be like a dog when you need to be friendly and social. Be like a cat when you have a goal that you know must be attained.

Attitude Purpose

Stubbornly Determined 

Cartoon of a jogging coupleI’ve learned that anything that requires determination takes a little stubbornness. When facing a daunting task, you’ll be told:

  • it’s not worth it.
  • There are not enough resources.
  • You’re not enough.
  • Aren’t you afraid?
  • Nobody has ever done this before. What makes you think you can?
  • If you feel scared, maybe that’s a sign you should stop 

Stubbornness is good when used correctly.

  • Be stubborn in your goal, but flexible in how to get there.
  • Be stubborn in standing up for what’s right, but flexible in how you communicate your vision to different people. 
  • Be stubborn in plugging away at your goal, but flexible in giving yourself a break. Nobody can be on 24/7/365.

I used to think being stubborn was a bad quality. Now I know it’s required for any goal with bumps and obstacles along the way.