CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters technology cartoons

A Little Live Streaming Event

I’ve had the pleasure of helping with some live streaming at the church we attend. I’m not talking about an unfortunate incident like in my cartoon, but setting a live presentation of a church service on Facebook Live.

We live in an amazing time where we can use technology on a shoestring budget. It was only a few short years ago that it was a major undertaking to broadcast a live event. Now, anyone with a smartphone can broadcast live. What an amazing world!

And yes, small churches with maintenance issues can have a live stream going on during the live service while they still have plumbing issues in another part of the building. It’s no longer the big broadcasting conglomerates with ample money that can go live. In fact, you could even have a snarky teenager broadcasting the live flooding event while the big event is going on in another part of the building. That is also the nature of today’s technology.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

Cartoon of two people staring at a wet floor. One says, "Maybe we should tell the janitor we just started live streaming."
Published in the July, 2021 “CHOGNews.”
Exercise Marketing

How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

Source: How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

This article caught my eye because it resonated with my exercise experience. I began running after college. But it wasn’t until I took it seriously did I experience positive results. In fact, before I took it seriously, I was consistently gaining weight and had borderline high blood pressure.

I discovered consistency with a plan is more effective than sporadic bursts with no real strategy. This article has convinced me to treat my social media strategy in a more consistent, strategic approach.


The Cure For Message Fatigue

person holding smartphone white sitting
Photo by George Dolgikh @ on

At one time, you could put your ad in the phone book yellow pages and not think about it for a year. It just worked for you. A newspaper ad could last just as long. Then radio came along and you could blast the same message multiple times a day. Television made it even easier, but at least there were only three channels… until there was cable… and then the Internet.

relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Real or Virtual Friends?

Cartoon of two women at a fast food restaurant. One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”In this cartoon, two women are at a fast food restaurant, One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”

I know. Social media is giving me a headache too. I use it for business, yet sometimes, all the tweets and posts get me down too. We know all of us, including me, share only the highlight reel. We aren’t going to talk about the mundane, the mild frustrations and the lost car keys.

I am glad I can keep in touch with family and friends through social media. But at the end of the day, it is the real, face to face encounters that strengthen real friendships. 


children's ministry cartoons Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Great Class! You should turn it into a webinar | Kidzmatter Cartoon

Each day, when I go to my inbox, I have one or two offers for an amazing webinar about this marketing technique or that book publishing deal. It appears there is never a lack of any advice on any subject, whether you want it or not! 

When I drew this cartoon, I thought of the many webinars I have been convinced to join. They are a good way to get some information without the travel. A webinar is only as good as the presenter. I thought of the great teachers in my life that could have reached a wider audience if webinars were around thirty years ago.

My hope is that in every Sunday school, across the country, kids think the lesson is so good, that they think a webinar should be made out of it. Admittedly, no student has come up to me and made that suggestion. But when they do, I am ready to make the best use of Facebook Live.

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.