Christianity church cartoons

No Presidential Debate Here

Cartoon of a fearful boy and a man in front of a podium. The man says, "Don't worry. There's no presidential debate here. It's just the pastor's pulpit.

I’m wondering if kids who are hearing US election news may start to build up a little anxiety. People on both sides are shrill. the rhetoric has never been more emotionally charged. Manners have been trashed. It’s just a mess.

I thought of this cartoon when I thought of the reassuring words I have heard from pulpits. This month, my pastor is doing a sermon series based on the subject, “Brave.” I am just glad there are still places where you can find words of hope and encouragement.

I drew this cartoon for the October 2016, Church of God Newsletter.


Wilting Complaints

One of my recent cartoons just appeared in the April Edition of the Church of God Newsletter. You can see it here.

It’s about complaining. When I thought of this idea, I was thinking how criticism can sap the life right out of someone while encouraging words give strength.