Adobe Illustrator Bible cartoon gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Slithering in Eden

Cartoon of the Serpent and Eve in the Garden of EdenCartoon of the Serpent and Eve. The Serpent says, “But Eve! The fruit on this tree has more vitamins and minerals than any other fruit.”

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop animal cartoons Bible cartoon

Fish Tales

Cartoon of two fish. One says,”What’s your favorite story? Noah or Jonah?”


Dreams Work

My pastor, Jim Lyon at Madison Park Church of God, had a great sermon based on Genesis 37:18-20.

When a dream comes from God, it will prevail, despite our stumbling and balking.

Here are my notes.

Bible Devotions

Taking Tests

God gave Abraham quite a test! I’m glad the tests I experience are less extreme.

activities Bible illustration Warner Press

Jacob Hidden Picture

I did this illustration for Warner Press the other day. It’s a hidden picture illustration on Genesis 28, Jacob’s ladder. I do these illustrations for a children’s bulletin book. It’s available through WP’s bulletin subscription service. So, can you find the five things different in the pictures?