
Will the Right Words Make it all Better?

Public relations is the diplomatic side of marketing. Some call it “spin.” It’s managing the spread of information. Politicians are great at it. Corporations know it is necessary to avoid a crisis and to put the best positive angle on some less than favorable news.

Sometimes the right words make it better. There are two sides to every story. A company or senator would be foolish not to make their perspective known. 

However, there are times when it is just better to fess up. Maybe the boy in my cartoon doesn’t have a public relations problem. He may just need to say, “I’m sorry!” instead of explaining his infraction away.

Sometimes, we need some public relations. Other times, we just need to own it and apologize.

Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, "Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem

How to Be Authentic Without Whining

We all go through stuff. We all struggle once in a while. When we do, the temptation is to put on the facade and smile. We say we’re fine when we feel like we’re dying inside. We don’t want to burden people with our problems.

As a result, we may project this image of being a super person when we struggle just like everyone else. Then when someone else has a problem, they feel they can’t come to us because we appear too perfect.

Yet no one wants to stay in the struggle, right? No one wants to announce to the world they are a hot mess. What is the right balance?

Be authentic with your weaknesses and diligent in your training.

Be Authentic

It’s okay to admit you struggle with something. Every one of us has a weakness. Each one of us is in the process of improving. It’s okay to admit you don’t have it all together. We are all human. It’s okay to admit that is the case.

Train Diligently

Keep training. Just because you’ve had a setback doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. Press on! Give yourself some grace and get back into the training. When you admit you struggle, you give yourself the grace to strive forward.

After all, if you’ve already arrived and are already perfect, what’s left? Be honest with others, and diligent with training. You’ll get there!

cartoon couples gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Open Book Dating

Cartoon of a couple at dinnerCartoon of a couple at dinner. A man is holding a picture book. He says, “My life is an open book for you. Check out the vibrant, full-color illustrations.”