illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Resolve

Resolve_tread, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Man resolves to get in shape while the cat resolves to catch some z’s. I hate it when my pets appear superior to me. I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator illustration

Jack O’Lantern twins: Drawing a Day 33

Drawing a Day 33, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Old guy meets his jack O’Lantern twin.

This was drawn in Adobe Illustrator CS3.

“I’m dedicating this to Blake, who came out of surgery yesterday. Go get ’em, Tiger!

Bible illustration Warner Press

E4674 page 07 hidden picture

E4674 page 07 hidden picture, originally uploaded by speartoons.

I illustrated this activity for this page. This is in pen and ink with a crow quill pen. There are six items hidden in the picture; an oil lamp, rope, donkey, Bible and ladybug.

This page is the property of Warner Press. All rights reserved

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Hoard

Illustration Friday: Hoard

I read an article a few weeks ago where a couple on the US east coast was hoarding gasoline in their apartment. The authorities found out about it when the place blew up and killed the couple.

I know the prices are getting high, but don’t hoard your gasoline, kiddies!

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Punchline

IF: Punchline

When I thought of the word, “punchline,” I thought of the times when I was sure a joke was funny, but discovered nobody else thought it was. When joke doesn’t work, it just makes you want to throw out the joke book… or worse!