
Seth Godin on the truth about rubylith

When I read Seth Godin’s take on change and advancements in graphic arts, I was taken aback by how right he was.

When I was in college, and early in my graphic arts career, rubylith was the only way to get solid areas for plate making. We would use it to allow space for halftone photos. The following video shows how it was done:

How graphic artists used rubylith and amberlith

This was the only way to effectively create layouts for graphic arts… until desktop publishing came along. Frankly, I was very glad when computer took over graphic arts. Rubylith was time-consuming. If I made one mistake, I would have to start over. Programs such as Aldus Freehand and Adobe Illustrator became my friends. I still use Adobe Illustrator today.

There was nothing wrong with using rubylith, especially when it was the only way to achieve some effects. But now Adobe Illustrator makes that work easier and faster. When the transition began, I remember several graphic artists that were not fans of the new way. Many eventually came around. Some held on to the bitter end when they were forced to retire or explore other careers.

Now that I am in the second half of my career, I would like to think that when something better comes along, I will embrace it. The change was good then. I see systems and techniques in my current role that have worked well. But could there be something better that we haven’t explored or have been blind to? Are we holding on to another type of rubylith?

No matter how old you are, I encourage you to embrace change. I can understand why artists with decades of traditional layout experience resisted change. But it didn’t serve them well. If there is a new way to do things, check it out. it may be the best thing that ever happened to your career or even your life.


The Power of Change

A high standard of living presupposes an economy of innovation and change.

Peter Drucker in The Effective Executive

This sentence blew me away when I read it. How often do people resist change? Yet, the high standard of living we have enjoyed in North America and Europe over the years has demanded change.

And change will happen whether we resist it or not. We can fight it like the guy in my cartoon. We can rationalize that disturbing the flow of things will kill spontaneity. But if we are willing to let things lie, change will come in unpredictable ways and we won’t be ready for it.

Prosperity happens in our economy when we see change is coming and make adjustments to roll with it. We won’t get it right all the time. We may stumble and decide we need to go another way, but being willing to change with the times will reap dividends in the end.

Maybe the guy will change before he has a forest on his hood. Then again, maybe he will see the dirt and new growth differently and open the first mobile, urban garden. Hey! maybe the change required for him is to see car washing as an old habit that is due for a rework. All of a sudden, some creativity and what-if’s opens some opportunities for a new, high standard of living.

Cartoon of a man an woman staring at a car. The man says, "I can't wash it now and destroy life! There's sprouts growing in the dirt."
creativity motivation

Why it is so Important to Shake Things up

We get complacent too easily. At a certain point, and at a certain age, it can be tempting to just go with the flow. You wouldn’t want to rock the boat anyway, would you? No need to draw attention to yourself. Why let things lie? After all, you’ve been successful. Sure! You can always improve, but why not just coast along life?

About four years ago, my wife and I were faced with a decision. We could stay in a town we love with a church that supported and appreciated her and a workplace I valued. I had just received a promotion. Our youngest child was about to graduate from high school. Why not just kick back and coast?

Instead, we felt called to a church out west. We sold our house. I resigned from my job. We left everything cherished and familiar to try something new. Why shake things up like that? Why make such a change?

  • Because faith without taking a risk with works is dead
  • Because creativity isn’t doing the same old thing
  • Because to stay young, you need to act young once in a while
  • Because it’s better to try and fail than wonder if you ever would have made it

Creativity comes from shaking things up a bit and trying something new. It has a lot in common with walking by faith.


Going With the System Can Only Take You so Far

This Entrepreneur article may not be what the high achieving students want to read, but I’ve seen it in action.  

Why Valedictorians Rarely Become Rich and Famous — and the Average Millionaire’s College GPA is 2.9


5 ways to Find Serendipity

Photo of desert brush and a portion of a rainbow in the clouds

There are some surprises that aren’t pleasant. Then there are surprises that make you want to jump for joy. That’s serendipity. It’s one of those words that sounds like its meaning. It’s a happy surprise or joyous discovery. Who wouldn’t want that kind of surprise?