Attitude motivation

Why It Is Better Not to Give Up

Today is a Monday. While I am writing, it is raining outside. It’s not perfect circumstances. Then again, are there ever any perfect circumstances? We may see a gloomy situation on the horizon. But there are good reasons why it is better not to give up.

You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.

Babe Ruth

Whenever we are convinced we can succeed, we can move forward when it looks hopeless. We can meet obstacles with confidence. Temporary setback do not deter us. Rather, we can keep going and know that sooner or later, we will succeed.

It never makes sense to give up! This link is about a game I was sure the other team won. My team looked like it wasn’t their day. However, after I turned off the TV, my team overcame a fourteen point deficit and went on to win by thirteen points. The only reason that happened is that the team never lost hope. They kept going when it looked hopeless and won.

How to Keep Going and Win

  • Expect Obstacles
  • Learn from our mistakes
  • Adjust our game plan
  • Think long-term as well as short-term
  • Look forward to the win

If we expect to be students for the rest of our lives, we can learn and adjust to any situation. Beware of the naysayers that say it is hopeless before we really have a chance to succeed. We can make a difference and win when we believe it. When we learn to change obstacles into opportunities, the win will come.

education motivation

We Are Still Learning

Legend has it that Michelangelo’s last words were “Ancora Imparo,” or “I am still learning.” He uttered them at the age of eighty-seven. Here was a guy that considered himself a sculpture, but painted the Sistine Chapel. He had an amazing amount of talent. Yet he knew in order to stay vital we need to realize that we are still learning.

Whether we like it or not, at every stage of our lives, we are still learning. Our education may be passive or active. We may learn bad habits, what we can get away with and how people disappoint us. Or we may learn new possibilities, solutions to challenges, and a new skill we didn’t know we were capable of.

Active learning involves seeking knowledge. Passive learning is merely observing and reacting to life’s challenges. It is no different than a simple organism reacting to a stimuli. While it is good we learn not to touch a hot stove, if that is all we learn, it leaves a big gap in our education.

Passive learning can make us cynical, bitter, and fearful. When things just happen to us, without active learning, we can be convinced to give up. We just react. And we don’t take any steps to fix the problem or find a new, better way.

But when we take an active interest in our studies, it opens up many possibilities. Disappointments and disasters may come, but we know there is a solution if we keep looking. It reminds me of a proverb.

Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.

Proverbs 10:14 (KJV)

Active learning helps us find knowledge. And even better, it leads to positive change. We may think our education is over after we graduate from school. But in reality, we continually learn new things. The question is, do we let life and the school of hard knocks educate us, or do we take an active interest in our lifelong education? After all, we are still learning!


The Steps to Success

All of us want to succeed. But very few of us want to take the steps to success if that means we fail at something. I get it. Who says, “Yes! Give me more failure, please!”

William Whewell Quotes., BrainyMedia Inc, 2022., accessed February 1, 2022.

Honestly, until today I wasn’t aware of who William Whewell was. The guy was a renaissance man long after that era was over. He was an Anglican priest, scientist, polymath, and philosopher. Whewell gave us the words “scientist” and “physicist” among others. In short, he was a genius.

Yet, he also saw the value of trying, failing, learning, and trying again to succeed. We may be risk-averse, but without the possibility of failing, there is no path to success. Failure and achievement go hand in hand.

We each have a choice on whether to make something of significance or to avoid the risk of failure and appearing foolish. Each thought we have towards a goal has to be tested. Let’s face it. not every thought we have is going to succeed in the real world.

In a world full of manufactured goods, we are tempted to believe that since that product looks consistent and perfect now, there was never any failure involved. However, I have seen how much trial and error goes into a product and marketing campaign. No one gets it right on the first try.

An assembly line may create a consistent, perfect product now, but how did that product get to that point? Even the assembly line took some testing, failing, and readjusting before it ran smoothly.

Even then, it may not run perfectly one-hundred percent of the time. Has anybody heard of product recalls? Hopefully, a company learns and improves from each one.

So I encourage you to take some steps to achieve today. Be bold enough to try, make some mistakes, learn, and climb the steps to success.


Carbon Copy

When I was a kid, I was fascinated by my dad’s office. I would see his typewriter and imagine pounding away at it and creating fun stories. But what really fascinated me was his carbon sheets. With it, I could draw or write something and the sheets would make a carbon copy of what was underneath.

The sheets were very useful in an age where there were no copiers or printers in a home office. Why this seven-year-old was fascinated with them, I’ll never know. After all, I could make a copy, but could I make something original with the sheets? After all, I never saw a carbon copy hung on a refrigerator door.

It took extra effort to make a copy. But even so, it was still a copy. And it wasn’t nearly as crisp or clear as the original. It took some effort to make a copy. It took even more effort to make an original from the sheets.

This quote reminds me when we try to copy others, it doesn’t feel quite as efficient as being the real thing.

“Do not be awe-struck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently as you can.”

Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993)

Learning Instead of Duplicating

We can certainly learn from others. After all, I still love to read and pick up tips and tricks from others. In one of Dan Roam’s books, he talks about how Dr. Seuss influenced him as a child. I learned from Dr. Seuss, as well as Charles Schulz, and scores of other writers and illustrators. It’s great to get inspired and learn from others.

We can learn from others without trying to be carbon copies. We will know we are going too far in emulating our heroes and mentors when it feels awkward. Not every trick, habit, or quirk a hero has is worth emulating. Just because Steve Jobs wore black turtle neck sweaters doesn’t mean every software developer has to follow suit.

Learn from others, yet be your own person. The world doesn’t need more carbon copies of a celebrity, mentor, or rock-star software developer. We need the latest version of you!

growth motivation

Getting Older or Getting Old

Aging is inevitable. We start getting older the minute we are born. Of course, as children we keep growing and learning. But as adults, we have a choice to continue to grow, or just get old.

Too many of us decide once school is over, there is nothing to learn. We live on knowledge that is stale and affected by time. Life gives us some bumps and bruises along the way. We learn to fear some things and become bitter about other things.

It is our choice. Are you getting better or worse? We can continue to learn and grow. The body may be giving us issues, but our minds are always ready to learn. Our spirits can soar above the tragedies and disappointments of this world. We can decide to become better instead of bitter.

Each day, we have a choice to grow. There are several things we can do today to make that happen.

  • Read a book
  • Keep a journal
    • It can be written, or drawn
    • It can contain scraps of paper notes or photos like a scrapbook
    • If nothing else, write down what you are thankful for
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Consider other opinions
  • Laugh! Yes, find something to laugh about in good humor

We can have a growth mindset. Every one of us is getting older. But none of us have to just get old!