Easter holiday sketch diary

It’s Saturday, and Palm Sunday is Coming!

Boy holding palm branch. The text reads, "Palm Sunday is Coming!"
Copyright 2017, Kevin H. Spear

Tomorrow will be a day that makes full use of the palm branch industry across the country. Many churches will have kids marching into big church with palm branches held high.

I love Palm Sunday because it is a time of celebration before the drama of Passion Week. We go from the high of Palm Sunday to the low of Good Friday, and back to the high of Easter Sunday. Life is that way. We have highs and lows. Sometimes there are in the course of a day. Take time to celebrate the high points in your life. And when the low points come, remember that things are cyclical. Eventually, a high point will come again. 

I drew this in the Adobe Illustrator Draw app. It was a quick sketch on my iPhone. 

activities children cartoons Warner Press

Activity Page for Lent

Hidden picture activity from “My Very Own Bulletin”, Spring, 2007

cartoon children cartoons holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Lint for Lent

Cartoon: Laundry for Lent
Cartoon of a son and mom. The son says, “Bobby’s family isn’t doing their laundry anymore. He said they were giving something up for lint.”

Lent was one of those words that confused me as a kid. How many words to we play around with that leave kids puzzled? Church is certainly a big place for that. Keep it simple. Is it right to say happy Lent? It may be hard to do that if the thing you gave up was chocolate.