church cartoons Social Media

Social Media and the New Pastor Celebrity

One interesting phenomenon of the pandemic is that more churches than ever are using social media and video to continue connecting with their congregations. In effect, it can make any pastor a new celebrity.

It wasn’t that long ago when anyone we saw on a screen would have been a big deal. If you saw that person out and about, you would naturally want their autograph. Now, anybody with a phone or computer can post a video. That is quite powerful!

Yet, it is still tempting to want an autograph of someone you have seen on a screen, whether it is Facebook Live, YouTube, or that coworker you had a Zoom meeting with. I better dust off my autograph book, grab my face mask, and get to it!

Cartoon of two men. One says, "You're that pastor I saw on Facebook Live! Can I have your autograph?"
Published in the July 2020 CHOGNewsletter

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Working the Bugs Out

Let’s face it! If you start something new, there will always be some bugs to work out. No matter how well you plan, you can’t expect to make allowances for every conceivable obstacle.

  • Technology never quite works the way you expect
  • There will be some misunderstandings between the team
  • Get used to expecting the unexpected
  • Weather and other natural causes may strike without notice
  • You may not realize how many people are affected by the launch or know how they will react.
Cartoon of two men standing in water. One says, "We have some bugs to work out before we live stream the service."
Published in the January 2020 Church of God Newsletter

If you’re waiting for perfect circumstances, it will never launch. Even if you are able to plan for every possible obstacle, you’ll be disappointed because most of them will never come to be.

Expect a few bugs if you launch anything new. Be fine with it. It’s part of the process. Success comes from addressing the bugs and working them out. Flawless launches may mean you set your goal too low.

I drew this cartoon for the January, 2020 Church of God Newsletter.


4 Massive Marketing Trends You Should Be Following in 2017

Source: 4 Massive Marketing Trends You Should Be Following in 2017

This article by Shopify caught my eye. Hyperbolic title aside, it had some useful points.

Live video has become a powerful force. Before, churches couldn’t live stream their service without expensive equipment. Today, any church with a mobile-connected device can live stream a church service. Any size business can be their own broadcaster.

Ephemeral content is also a big deal. What better way to make content appear special and valuable? If you know a message will self-destruct, it suddenly becomes more valuable. You take note.

I encourage you to read the rest article. Don’t worry. It isn’t going to self-destruct any time soon.