morning people motivation

Good Morning!… Or Is It?

The other day, I had a busy morning ahead of me. Then again, most mornings are busy! A coworker came into my office and I said, “Good morning!”

The coworker isn’t always the most chipper guy. He replied with a dour, “Is it?”

I smiled and thought of the reasons why it was a good morning. So I replied with, “Yes!” That didn’t convince him. And it’s okay. I have come to the conclusion how we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day. A quote by Marcus Aurelius drove this home to me.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius Via

It is too easy to take for granted that each morning belongs to us. It does not! We are not entitled to one more day on this earth any more than we are entitled to a comfortable, trouble-free life. Each day is a gift. Each breath, thought and loving gesture is a present to enjoy.

Creatives and Mornings

Creative employees can be notorious for making it clear they are not morning people. They shuffle in with a sour look on their face and implore everyone not to talk to them until at least 10:00 AM. The classic battle between night owls and early birds plays out in most offices across the world.

However, I ask you to consider this: what would mornings look like if we began each one with gratitude? What if we consider how blessed we are that we have one more day?

Some days can be a challenge for that frame of thinking. As I write this, it is a rainy Monday. I know the day will begin for me with some hot deadlines and challenges. Yet, I am thankful for one more breath and a day to think, enjoy and love. Today is a good morning!


The Downside of Being a Morning Person

Most days, I can awake and  pop right out of bed on the first alarm. I know it’s annoying. I’ve been told that several times over the years by anyone who has lived under the same roof as me. I figure the snooze button is just delaying the inevitable. It’s not real sleep but a catatonic, zombie-like state between alarms. Besides, there are things to be done!

I’ve worked in creative departments over the years. It seems most creatives take pride in being night owls. That has made me a very annoying creature from 8:00 AM to noon. I thought I could help by being cheerful and enthusiastic. That is, until I read this proverb:

A loud and cheerful greeting early in the morning will be taken as a curse!

Proverbs 27:14 NLT

I still believe I get my best work out and am more productive the moment I first wake up. After all, I have gotten a lot out of Hal Elrod’s book, Miracle Morning.

I agree with the premise that starting the day with intentionality makes a difference. I love to write, have my devotions and exercise before it is time for the work day.

I am still going to get my day started out right. However, I resolve to be less obnoxious about it for the sake of others and for the safety of myself.

morning people motivation

Start the Day With Intentionality

This week, I’ve been reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It has already transformed the way I wake up in the morning. I have already had a morning ritual for many years. But he is showing me a more intentional way to master the morning. His enthusiasm, his story of overcoming adversity and his practical tips have captivated me. I’m sure I’ll share more about this book in another post.

The other day, I also read an article entitled, This 60-Second Habit Has Helped Put Me in a Better, More Productive Mood Each Morning by Scott Mautz at In it, Scott says he starts each day by taking a minute to ask himself the following every day:

  • What am I thankful for today?
  • Who might I thank today?
  • What one thing should I be thinking of today?

One theme through both reads stood out to me. How you begin your day is so crucial. It can make your day fantastic or a fiasco. Most of us don’t consider this truth. Instead we…

  • Wait until the last minute to wake up because we’re so tired
  • Wake up on autopilot
  • Rush through the morning because we’re running behind

It may surprise some people who know me, but when I was younger, I didn’t consider myself a morning person. I got up when I had to and rushed through the morning only to get stuck in rush hour traffic and watch my fellow commuters get angrier and more flustered by the minute.

Having kids cured me of that malady. When I had to get up with them, and when realized how my day began would affect their day. I realized getting up early to get some exercise, pray and have devotions would steer my day in the way I would prefer.

Let us know how you start your day in the comments. Do you start in a rush? Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl?

Easter holiday

Happy Easter Sunrise!

Cartoon of boy and mom with sunriseIt is 6:58 AM in Dayton, Ohio and the sun has officially risen! While I am not at a Sunrise service this morning, I am at church and helping my fabulous wife get ready for a busy day. My guess is there will be a few kids looking like the kid in my cartoon. It won’t matter whether they arrive at 8:00, 9:30 or the 11:00 AM service. Some kids just won’t be ready to face the day.