
Order and Chaos

Each day, we have an opportunity to bring order from chaotic circumstances. If you leave things as is, chaos soon becomes the norm.

  • A city street eventually becomes filled with potholes and debris.
  • Buildings breaks down over time and needs repair
  • Unopened email soon explodes into thousands of unread bits and bytes
  • A pile of unraked leaves kills the grass underneath
  • An unscooped litterbox causes the cat to do the unthinkable behind the bed
  • The pile of dirty dishes becomes a calcified mass of gunk

Some of us can deal with a little more chaos than others. But most of us can agree that all chaos, all the time is stressful and unproductive. There is something in all of us that wants to understand, categorize and order things.

We value systems that bring order. Language is a system that allows us to communicate. The written form of that language has a slightly different system. We like to turn on the TV and reliably get a channel that we like. It would be very disconcerting if everyone you knew began speaking differently or writing in some unknown code. If your favorite channel was on one number one day, and another the next, it would get frustrating.

We like systems. We like to categorize people and things. And we like to believe that everything that is good and bad can be understood. And if an answer doesn’t come easily, we like to manufacture a reason. We assume we know the motives of someone we don’t even know. We continually tell ourselves stories about people and actions out of our control.

As a result, I can assume the best about someone or the worst. I can make assumptions based on the stories I tell myself that may be correct or way off. It’s my little attempt to bring order out of chaos. But are those stories helpful if they assume the worst?

Our stories can assume the best or the worst in people and events. Sometimes, we need to realize our stories are just that—stories. We can assume the best or the worst. Both carried to the extreme can lead you astray. The challenge is to assume the best in others while keeping oneself from denying when something needs to change.

How does one bring order out of chaos in an accurate, realistic way even when we don’t have all the facts? Are the stories we tell ourselves accurate? That is the question I am pondering today.

Attitude motivation

Your Work Matters!

Cartoon of a guy flipping a hamburger. The boy says, "Just call me, 'The Sultan of the Spatula.'"On this Monday, I have one thing to say: Your work matters! Now I could stop right there, but this would be the shortest blog post I’ve ever done. We can’t have that, can we? So here it goes!

You may think your work doesn’t matter because you are in a business that is struggling. But your work does matter! You never know how that business would be doing if you weren’t there. If you keep holding on, you may discover a way to bring that business new clients. You may discover a new product or service that revitalizes your industry. Don’t give up. Your work matters!


Clutter Everywhere

Illustration of man about to empty a box of trash. He looks overwhelmed by a huge, full trash can.

Clutter, clutter everywhere, and not one trash can could be spared! Do you ever get overwhelmed with clutter? It happens to me this time of year. In the United States, it’s tax time. There is so much paperwork to muddle through. I get frustrated trying to figure out what to pitch and what to keep.

I’ll look at a folder and think, “You never know when you may need that.” Rarely is that the case. I’ve finally come to the conclusion I don’t need those magazine articles from 1990. As much as I like that article on the exciting, new Macintosh IIfx, I don’t need it. Sometimes, I have to move on!

My desk at home and work has plenty of papers, but there is one product that has helped me get a handle on the paper clutter. Evernote is software for Windows, Mac, smart phone and tablets. You can also access it from their website.

It’s a handy program that allows me to take notes wherever I go. I can even take a photo of a handwritten note and the program will convert it to text. I will also clip web pages.

If you’re looking for something that will combat your paper Mount Everest, I recommend it. Now where did I put that shovel?