Book Reviews motivation

Why we need to tap into the power of kindness

This morning, I listened to an interview with Adrienne Bankert on The Ziglar Show. It was about kindness as a superpower. It is extremely timely with the events of the last several weeks. Who wouldn’t want to see some more kindness in the world?

When I first posted today’s cartoon, I noted that the more selfish we are, the more miserable we become. Unfortunately, selfish people make others around them miserable as well.

What is the solution? kindness. On the podcast, Adrienne mentioned the difference between being nice and being kind. It was an epiphany for me. Just being nice isn’t kindness. We can be courteous and smile at a stranger without really helping someone. In addition, kindness in the workplace is the key to being professional. There was a lot to think about in this podcast.

You can find more about Adrienne Bankert and her book at her Discover Your Hidden Superpower web site.

Cartoon of a boy handing a newspaper to an elderly woman. "She says, "Why thank you for bringing me my newspaper. You are just in time for some fresh-baked cookies."


Small Actions Make Great Strides

The other day, I listed to the Harvard Business Review Podcast interview James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones. Here is a link to the podcast and transcript:

HBR Podcast: The Right Way to Form New Habits

More or less, the author promotes using small actions to create good habits instead of going all gung ho and overwhelming ourselves. It’s celebrating the small actions and victories.

Cartoon of two business people. The business man says, "I like to celebrate the small victories. Today, I didn't spill breakfast on me."

This is a novel approach to goal setting and forming new habits. Too often, I think I have to have a new goal all figured out. But the author suggests starting small habits that enable the big one is the way to go. Do you want to read more books? Start with one page. Do you want to exercise? Pack your workout clothes the night before and have them ready in your car. Do you want to write a book? Start with one sentence… or a short blog article!

Keep striving and finding ways to start those good, new habits. The results will be worth it!


Post-Christmas Run on a Warm Ohio Day

Since it is the post-Christmas week and most of us are off work, I am sharing a little of my day with a sketch.

This morning, I was thrilled to take a run with just shorts and a long-sleeve shirt. The temperature was in the mid-fifties when I hit the road. It is something rare for an Ohio, late December morning. It is also something I loved to do in Arizona.