children's ministry children's ministry cartoons K! Magazine Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

Have You Ever Regretted Your Timing?

When I lead a large group of kids on a Sunday morning, there is a huge difference between the first and second hours.

The first hour brings in the zombie kids. They may or may not realize where they are. Some of their shoes are untied. The eyelids are half-opened. You may see a little drool at the corner of their mouths. Some are able to muster the strength to participate in the game or song.

The second hour brings in the kids that have had a chance to digest their breakfast. Their small group leaders probably gave them a treat. Yes, they have a little jump in their step. They are hyped and ready to go. The sugar has kicked in.

Timing can be really important whether you are teaching kids or have a presentation in front of a group. For adults, mornings may be the best time while you need to avoid the time just after lunch. For kids, mid-morning may be the best time to get your lesson across.

Have you ever had a time where you realized the timing of your lesson or presentation was off? Share your experience and what you learned from it in the comments.

Cartoon of a teacher watching hyper kids. The caption reads, "Eric was SO close to get a spiritual truth across... then the sugary snacks kicked in."
Previously published in K! Kidzmatter Magazine
Book Review

Blah, Blah, Blah: the Book

Kudos to Dan Roam’s new book, “Blah, Blah, Blah: What to do when words won’t work.” I read his earlier book, “The Back of the Napkin,” because I wanted to use my pictures while teaching kids. Roam’s new book takes the idea of incorporating pictures and words even further. I bought this book on Friday. it was so good, I devoured it in the last forty-eight hours!

I especially loved in the beginning where he tells how Dr. Seuss made such an impression on him as a child as well as others. Lately, I’ve heard doomsayers announce the death of picture books. This book shows that we need pictures to go with our words more than ever because we need both to really learn something. I highly recommend it for anyone who gives presentations, teaches, or just wants to get an idea across in the most effective way.

You can on the image above to order a copy.

You can also check out his web site at

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons illustration technology cartoons

No Paper Clips

Illustration of a woman showing an anti-paper clip presentation from a projector.

Sometimes, frugality in the work place and a desperate search for an outlet leads people to some odd campaigns. The lady in this illustration has had her fill of paper clips and she won’t take it anymore!

I drew this in Photoshop and Illustrator.