relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Real or Virtual Friends?

Cartoon of two women at a fast food restaurant. One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”In this cartoon, two women are at a fast food restaurant, One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”

I know. Social media is giving me a headache too. I use it for business, yet sometimes, all the tweets and posts get me down too. We know all of us, including me, share only the highlight reel. We aren’t going to talk about the mundane, the mild frustrations and the lost car keys.

I am glad I can keep in touch with family and friends through social media. But at the end of the day, it is the real, face to face encounters that strengthen real friendships. 



How to be honest in a dating relationship

Cartoon of a frog and a princess
Cartoon of frog to princess. The frog says, “Let’s be honest. I’m not a prince. But if you’ll kiss me, I’ll feel good about myself.”

I picture my wife thinking something along this line when we first dated. I’m glad she ended up kissing the frog. She’s still royalty and I’m a better quality frog for it.

relationship cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Communication Quack

Cartoon of a duck couple

Cartoon of two ducks. One says to the other, “All you ever say is, ‘Quack, quack, quack!’ You call that communication?”

Communication is harder than it sounds, but it’s easier than it looks. Body language can say a lot about the person, can’t it? Judging by the look of the duck on the right, he’s communicating very clearly that he’s not taking advice gracefully.

relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Exploding Relationships

Cartoon of a guy and a girl. The guy grabs his head and says, "*Gasp!* I can't take this much honesty in a relationship! My head is about to explode!"

Cartoon of a guy and a girl. The guy grabs his head and says, “*Gasp!* I can’t take this much honesty in a relationship! My head is about to explode!”

cartoon couples gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Open Book Dating

Cartoon of a couple at dinnerCartoon of a couple at dinner. A man is holding a picture book. He says, “My life is an open book for you. Check out the vibrant, full-color illustrations.”