relationship cartoons

How to solve the biggest problem with marriage

Man in knight armor says to receptionist, "If anyone needs me, I'll be counseling a couple."

I am not a certified marriage counselor, but I’ve been married for twenty-five years and am looking forward to the next twenty-five. We’ve had out ups and downs, but I am relieved to say my bride has stuck with me. What has been our secret? Mutual submission.

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21

The biggest problem with all marriages is that it contains two selfish people. When I entered into marriage, I selfishly thought my bride would take care of all my needs. And she thought the same. We had to learn to work together, show humility and to think of the other person.

It isn’t easy, and our culture won’t help. It will tell you it is all about your needs and your desires. That is why the more selfish we get as a society, the more marriage has suffered.

If you are a Christian, I would encourage you to read Ephesians 5:21-33.  It contains some tough instructions for a husband and wife to follow.  But I have found that it works.

It never was just about our needs.

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19 Words That Will Make People Like You More |

A friend posted this article on Facebook

19 Words That Will Make People Like You More |

All of the suggestions were good, but the one that stood out to me was the phrase, “Here’s what’s happening.” I agree with the writer that you don’t want to spread rumors or gossip. However, when we guard too much information at work or home, it can actually lead to rumors and gossip!

Whether it’s government, churches, schools or homes, there will always be some information that should be private. You don’t have to tell everything. There is such a thing as too much information. You also have to consider the feelings of others as well as the law.

However, if you err on the side of saying nothing, the rumors and innuendos will happen. In fact, a group’s imagination is frequently more outrageous than the truth.

Find a way to say, Here’s what’s happening. It’s much more effective than letting everyone guess what’s up.

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Talk or Text?

©2013 Speartoons, Inc

Cartoon of a couple on smart phones. The guy says, “What am I supposed to do with your text that says, ‘We don’t talk anymore?'”

I’m not a guy that is against smart phones and texting. I love both and use them daily. However, I realize it just isn’t the same as face to face conversation. There are some conversations that simply shouldn’t be carried out with a text. For instance, you shouldn’t break up with someone over a text. Marriage proposals are equally inappropriate. And if you need to fire an employee, I’m guessing a text isn’t the way to go.

Before you send out a text, consider if this is the appropriate way to communicate your message. We have so many options today, thanks to technology. No one method fits every need. Use discernment when considering how to communicate something


Scaredy Cats

Cartoon of two men talking

Cartoon of two men. One says, “It’s about your Grandmother, Son. She’s afraid your goatee will scare her cats.”


Dating Hazards

Cartoon of a woman with wild hair

Cartoon of a couple. A woman has wild hair. She says, “We can’t go out tonight. I have a VERY bad hair day.”