
Sunrise or Sunset?

Depending on when you read this post, you may be sure this photo is of an early morning sunrise. Or is it? Is it an evening sunset?

Our perspective influences what we see.

  • It may be close to your bedtime
  • You may be an early riser and love seeing the sun come up
  • It’s nighttime and you are ready to call it quits
  • It reminds you of a sunrise/sunset you saw with similar clouds or landscape
  • The colors give you a clue
  • You are ready to start something new and get at it

So is it a sunrise or sunset?

Frequently, we see images and make assumptions. We all have biases. Be careful about making conclusions that can limit your thinking.

(P.S.: If you really want to know, you can check out the alt text for this image or you can ask me.)

Sunset over Southwest Ohio
morning people

Source of All Humidity 

The other day, I read about Occam’s Razor. It states that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

I thought of that as I ran through this morning’s humidity. If I was going to experience the moisture, I figured I could see the source of it all.

Juno Beach was spectacular this morning. It was well worth the trip. That is what I love about mornings. When I get up and go running, I never know what I am going to experience. The joy of a sunrise never ceases to amaze me. However, I can do without the humidity!