motivation writing

What is the difference between hope and despair?

There is little need for hope when things are going great. When life is just humming along, we can have false confidence things are going to stay this way indefinitely. We can pretend that it is something we did, or that we are simply fortunate and will stay that way.

But when we face challenges, that is when we are faced with a choice. Do we give in to despair, or do we speak a message of hope?

Choose Hope

All of us have faced challenges recently. our health, our welfare, and our well-being have all faced an onslaught. We have similar facts. Do we choose to speak a message of hope or despair? I encourage you to speak words of hope. Get your facts out on a page. or type them into a document. Then speak words of hope. Just like we didn’t expect these challenges in 2020, we can face unexpected bright days ahead.

I am a person of faith and a Christ-follower. If you are having a challenge with finding hope, I am more than happy to share the faith and hope I have. It is a firm foundation for me.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)

Our faith and hope change how we look at circumstances. We didn’t have to use it much before this year. Now it is time to exercise that mental and spiritual muscle.

illustration Picture Book writing

The Different Hats of Writing and Illustrating

In his tweet, Eric Merced reminded me how much of a challenge it can be to write and illustrate a book. When it’s a one-man show, you have to make so many decisions and switch your work mode so many times during the process.

It is so much more challenging than just writing. Now I realize that may offend some authors. If that’s the case, I understand, but I think you would agree that switching from writing, to drawing, to designing and putting it all together would take so much more than just the writing.

I suppose that is why I have such a soft spot for authors/illustrators. It has confounded me that picture books and graphic novels may be looked down on by the literary elite. The effort that goes into these books continue to amaze me.

So hats off to the solo writers, illustrators and designers that wear so many hats as they create outstanding work!

Is there a book you love that is written and illustrated by the same person? Let us know in the comments.

Cartoon of a couple at dinner

A Little Birdie Told Me

The other day, I heard the phrase, A little bird told me when someone wanted to pass along anonymous information. It wasn’t very helpful. Whenever I’ve heard that phrase, it means someone really wants to give gossip instead of something useful.

I like Twitter and I have spent some quality time reading through tweets. It can be entertaining, much like gossip. But it frequently doesn’t leave me a better, improved person, much like gossip.

Cartoon of two boys and tweeting bird

Beware of who you follow and what you listen to. The wrong voice can bring you down and ruin your productivity. An anonymous little birdie can make you wonder who else is grumbling and who can you trust.

The tongue can cause great damage. It’s amazing how incessant chirping and tweeting can affect you.

Exercise Marketing

How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

Source: How Social Media Marketing Is Like a Fitness Regimen | HuffPost

This article caught my eye because it resonated with my exercise experience. I began running after college. But it wasn’t until I took it seriously did I experience positive results. In fact, before I took it seriously, I was consistently gaining weight and had borderline high blood pressure.

I discovered consistency with a plan is more effective than sporadic bursts with no real strategy. This article has convinced me to treat my social media strategy in a more consistent, strategic approach.

relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Real or Virtual Friends?

Cartoon of two women at a fast food restaurant. One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”In this cartoon, two women are at a fast food restaurant, One says, “Level with me, Doris. Are you my real or virtual friend.”

I know. Social media is giving me a headache too. I use it for business, yet sometimes, all the tweets and posts get me down too. We know all of us, including me, share only the highlight reel. We aren’t going to talk about the mundane, the mild frustrations and the lost car keys.

I am glad I can keep in touch with family and friends through social media. But at the end of the day, it is the real, face to face encounters that strengthen real friendships.