Cartoon of two girls. One says, “Happy Birthday! You don’t look a day over seven.”
Category: cartoon
Cartoon of a boy and teacher. The boy says, “It’s hard to wipe the slate clean when you use a permanent marker.”
I’ve often heard people say, “I’ll forgive, but you better believe I won’t forget.” It is a difficult thing to do, isn’t it? If I’ve slighted you, I hope you’ve forgotten about it. It wasn’t on purpose… honest! But we must remember great things come through patience and forgiveness.
Speartoons are examples of my sketches and cartoons Please respect my copyright and ask first before you would use them.
All art copyright 2008 Kevin Spear. Use of graphics is prohibited without prior written consent. Be sure to wipe the slate clean!
Cartoon of a couple at a romantic dinner. The man says, “The question remains: can a Mac person and a Windows Person get along in marital bliss?”
This is an illustration I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”
New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.
Cartoon of wife at computer and husband. Wife cries, “Someone told the gourmet cuisine site about my cooking and now they won’t let me in.”
Bad news travels fast, doesn’t it? Especially with the speed of the Internet on the side of the rumor mill.
This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”
Cartoon of a chef and computer. The chef says, “Welcome, everyone! It’s time for another exciting episode of ‘Silicone Chef.’”