In a story, there is always an obstacle. Either the hero has a conflict internally or externally. Something is stiff-necked.
Proverbs 29:1 reminds me why being stubborn and part of the stiff-necked is far from admirable.

The hero learns something when they face and overcome the obstacle. They change and become a better version of themselves. Sure, they may be stubbornly determined, but they can’t be so stubborn that they are too proud to learn.
What if the hero is stiff-necked? What if they never learn and remain the same? It’s not much of a story—it’s just a long, slow-motion destruction scene.
Do you have a good story? Have you learned something that changed your life for the better? Congratulations! You have a story to tell that can transform the life of someone else who doesn’t suffer from a stubborn, stiff neck.