Business motivation

The cure for sudden Incompetence

Peter Drucker asserted that people encounter sudden incompetence when they believe in a new role; they can continue doing what made them successful in the old role. This YouTube video summarizes his thoughts and the cure for sudden incompetence.

Making mistakes isn’t fun, but it’s necessary. What happens when mistakes occur and a person doesn’t learn but stubbornly does the same thing again?

At what point does someone become unteachable? That is when sudden incompetence occurs; a person in a new role keeps doing the things that gave them success before, but they no longer work. Yet, they refuse to learn and adjust to their new role.

The cure for sudden incompetence is to be humble enough to remain teachable regardless of experience or past successes. Be humble enough to remain a lifelong learner.

Business motivation

The Upwardly Immobile

At one time, Japan was considered the world economy to compete with. Today, while it is still a world leader, it has struggled. A quote from The Essential Drucker caused me to pause and consider it may be because of the upwardly immobile.

Peter Drucker quote on the upwardly immobile Japanese

When he wrote this, he realized Japan’s economy would have to change because lifetime employment made it nearly impossible for knowledge workers to move and adapt.

But it appears that hasn’t happened. Japan continues to struggle with deflation and stagnation. The failure to change has come at a great cost to the nation.

What made Japan a success for over fifty years has become a liability. When we cannot, or refuse to change, our past successes become a liability and burden.

Mobility is more than the freedom to move from Indiana to Florida or maybe even Arizona!

A farmer looks at a saguaro cactus with corn characteristics

It is the willingness to change and try different things. The upwardly immobile is an oxymoron. No matter our age, let’s continue to be part of the upwardly mobile.

Career Community family

The Problem With Moving On

When we feel led to move onto a new adventure, it can feel exciting. The adrenaline flows as we negotiate all the tasks and plans. But there are complications. The problem with moving on is that there are always the great relationships we leave behind.

retro cab toy placed on concrete fence
Photo by Maddy Freddie on

My wife and I have moved on to a new adventue. Ministry is taking us to someplace new. While we will be joining some family at our destination, we will be leaving a majority of them a bit in Indiana and Ohio.

In addition, we got reaquainted with old friends when we came back, and made new ones. Our lives were richer for it.

So another problem with moving on is the trunkload of mixed emotions. We know we are heading in the right direction. Yet, we can’t help glancing one more time in the rearview mirror as we set out on a new trek.

There will be challenges and uncertainty in our new assignment. Then again, we fool ourselves into believing if we stay put, there is certainty. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that there is much more that is out of our control than any of us would like to admit.

We are under no allusions that the next place will be perfect. We will face new challenges along with familiar ones. After all, we take our old selves to the new place.

There are problems with going and problems with staying. But if I could, I’d take all my friends and loved ones along with us.

Parenting Cartoons

Should You Change it or Replace the Whole Thing?

My wife and I love fixer-upper shows. It’s impressive to see the transformation of a ramshackle, abandoned home into a mini palace. But sometimes I wonder if they should raze the house. Similarly, it takes discernment in many situations to ask ourselves, “Should you change it or replace the whole thing?”

Difference between Change and Replace

According to Wiki Diff, change means to make something different. While replacing means restoring to its former self, position, or condition. It means to place again, naturally.

Dirty Diapers

So the whole phrase, “change the diaper,” sounds strange to me. Should we replace a dirty diaper with a clean one? Can you change a dirty diaper into a clean one? I suppose you can if it is a cloth diaper. But today, we’re most likely to just replace the whole thing with a clean one.

Attitude cartoon motivation

Why change is so hard

There are very few of us that embrace change. We know that it makes people nervous and frustrated. Article after article affirms that. Yet if we’re honest, we will admit it is inevitable. Just why is change so hard?

Spear 3974

When I sketched this idea, I observed people about twenty years older than me resisting texting. Nine years later, many of that generation has accepted texting as just another form of communication. Time marches on!

Change is a deceptively difficult thing. We have no problem finding reasons that it is so. Even when everyone agrees changes need to be made, reform is hard. People may disagree on why and how the alterations need to be made. They may even disagree how much and how sweeping a change needs to be. It just isn’t an easy thing!