Explaining baptism to kids isn’t always easy!
When my wife became a children’s pastor, she began meeting with children who wanted to be baptized. She looked for a book written from an evangelical perspective for upper elementary kids. She soon discovered there was nothing available.
Kids had all kinds of questions like…
- What is that strange bathtub doing in the church anyway?
- Why should someone get baptized?
- Will people laugh at me if I look like a wet rat when I get out?
“What’s a Bathtub Doing in My Church” is written for kids who have legitimate questions on what baptism is all about.
I wrote and illustrated this book for kids eight-years old and older. You can order it from Warner Christian Resources, Amazon.com or your local Christian bookstore.
One reply on “What’s a Bathtub Doing in My Church?”
Dear Kevin,
my name is Antonio Amico and I am writing to you from Italy. I am children pastor and the president of a mission for the evangelisation and care of children, named “La Fionda di Davide” http://www.fiondanet.it/content.php?id=106&english=1
I am writing to you for the following reason. Just over a years ago we have begun printing a children’s comic book with which we are reaching italian children. In our team we have some christian artists but we are not able to sustain a regular print due to lack of contents. I am writing to you to find out if we might obtain your collaboration. If we could use your nice comic stories to publicize here in Italy, we could let you have ours which have already been publicized.
The work we are carrying out is unpaid. We do not have the possibility to pay and the artistsworking with us do so as volunteers. We have a real need for help and collaboration. Children’s evangelism in Italy is poorly developed but offers great prospects.
I am sending you also a link where you can see our comic book which we have called Fionda Junior: http://www.fiondajunior.it
If you can put us in touch with other christian artists who are available to collaborate for the evangelisation of children in Italy we would be very greatful.
God bless you
Antonio Amico