cartoon gag cartoon relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Games at Work

Cartoon of husband and wife in the kitchen. The husband says, “They’re not giving me a raise, but they are letting me play this really cool game at work.”

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

I used to design books for a computer games book publisher. It was fun playing video games for research. Too bad I stunk at video games. I knew I was in trouble when my five-year old son started beating me!

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon love

Cartoon: Spreading the Love

Cartoon of a girl and boy. Girl says, “I’m trying to spread the love. Sticky notes help me do that.”

I may have to try this technique today. Where are those sticky notes? I need to write something to my wife today.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3.

cartoon computers gag cartoon technology cartoons

Cartoon: The Finest Computer

Cartoon of dad and son. Dad says, “Welcome to the computer age, son! I got you the finest Commodore 64 money can buy.”

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

I remember the Commodore 64. A friend had it in college. I was jealous. Does that make me old? I wonder if my son would like a Commodore 64? I’ll ask him after he’s finished playing on his XBox 360.

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.

cartoon gag cartoon Illustration Friday

Cartoon: A Strong Dog


Cartoon of boy with pets. Boy says to dog, “Look at it this way. It takes a strong dog to admit the cat rules the house.”

No doubt about it. In our house, the cat rules the roost. The only exception is when our dog is able to ambush the cat. Corners are very good for that.

I also drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “strong.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

cartoon gag cartoon Internet technology cartoons

Cartoon: An Accountant’s Web Site

Cartoon of man at computer. He says, “I think I found your brother, the accountant’s web site.”

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”

The computer and my concept of web sites have changed since then. I couldn’t have seen very many of them at that time. Many had sparse graphics or none at all. Don’t you just love sites with lots of graphics? Me too.

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.