children cartoons illustration

Green with Envy

I was thinking a little more about green and thought about the cliché, “green with envy.”

It’s funny how when you are envious or jealous, you are at your least attractive. If someone is jealous of another’s affection, the jealousy repels the other person instead of attracting them. Isn’t life just full of paradoxes?

When I was still dating, it wasn’t until I gave up trying to find that special someone was when my wife and I met. Like my momma said, “Stop trying so hard!”

cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Green

Cartoon- Camouflage Easter Egg Hunt
Cartoon of puzzled family at Easter egg hunt. Dad says, “Maybe I should have dyed the Easter eggs a different color

As cold as things are in Indiana, I’m wondering if Easter eggs wouldn’t show up if we just stuck to white? I wasn’t this cold as Christmas time. I’ve heard of a three dog night. This is a cat-in-the-lap sort of day. Across the country, this will be the first season of Easter egg hunts that will involve mittens, snowmen and hot chocolate.


cartoon children cartoons church cartoons

Ties and floppy hats

Caption reads: “It’s only fair. If boys have to wear ties on Easter, girls have to wear the floppy hats.”

So much of Easter centers around clothes. There’s “Sunday best” and then there’s “Easter’s best.” Floppy hats at Easter are the equivalent to ties. Neither have much of a use except to dress up that already new and flashy outfit.

Word of advice to the guys: don’t take a hat to church, especially if it’s a baseball cap. The ladies get offended when you are upstaging them.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Post Vacation Stress

Cartoon of a boy and girl
Caption reads: “I’m suffering from PVSD: Post Vacation Stress Disorder.”

Whew! I’m not looking forward to waking the kids this morning. The well-oiled machine will squeaky this morning. It was hard enough getting everyone to bed last night. Our biological clocks think it is still vacation. Oh, Florida! How we miss ye!

It was a great time for the family. Now back to reality!

cartoon children cartoons work

Chores and Video Games

Caption reads: “That is some video game. Maybe we better do our chores now.”

I used to love video games until my son began beating me. Now, I feel like I need a walker and dentures whenever I try to play a game with him. Maybe that’s what makes me so enthusiastic when I urge him to get of that video game and finish his chores. Sure, I’ll admit it. It’s sour grapes!