cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Illustration Friday: Super Heroes

Cartoon of a boy and a pastor.
Boy to Pastor: “But why doesn’t our church reach out to super heroes?”

This week’s Illustration Friday theme reminded me of a cartoon I did some years back. As a boy, I wondered were those super heroes were in real life. I found out later many were closer than I thought. One of them lived right in my house and went by the alias, “Dad.”

Christmas Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Buzz

The word, “Buzz,” got me thinking about a project I recently illustrated. This cover is for a story on an audio cd. It tells the Christmas story from the perspective of “The Glory Bugs.”

It’s a cute story. It’s available through Omni Seven Productions.

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They will have a second story coming called “All Fired Up.” This one will be about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Phoenix

My nephew is in town this week. He wanted to “play something.” He’s such the sports guy, I assumed he wanted to play catch. Since I have a bad cold, I wasn’t all that excited about that. I was relieved when he said he wanted to color. While he colored his book, I made a sketch of him.

Did I mention he is from Phoenix? We killed two birds with one stone!

Christmas Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Peace

When this theme came up this week, I pondered what is the most peaceful time of this year. Last night, we had a candlelight service. It was serene seeing all the candles across the sanctuary. Amazing how something as dangerous as fire can seem so peaceful when it is a tiny flame.
I hope in the frenzy of this holiday season, you will find some peace. It’s late on Christmas day, and I’m feeling it. It’s either peace or fatigue. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell the difference!

Christmas Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Help

This time of year has been a little crazy. Surely you can understand, right? I’ve been wanting to do an illustration for this week’s Illustration Friday theme. I’ve settled for something right out of my sketchbook. Here it is in its unedited form. Well, okay, I did erase the acne from Santa’s forehead. Other than that, this is right out of the sketchbook.

I was thinking what poor Santa would do if he had mechanical trouble on Christmas Eve. What if that old sleigh has seen one Christmas Eve too many?