Bible illustration

Jonah in the Fish

illustration Warner Press

Retirement Card Color

This is how the illustration looks today. I am applying the color in Adobe Illustrator.

The pencil rough is still on top of the finished file. I make the pencil rough transparent and trace my work like I am drawing on a light table.

I eliminated outlines in the background. Tomorrow, I’ll work on the face details and possibly export it to PhotoShop for the details.

illustration sketch diary Warner Press

Retirement Card

A beloved lady at work is retiring next month. I’ve been asked to make an oversize retirement card.
Here is my pencil rough. I plan to block out the color in Adobe Illustrator.


Pizza Eater

I took the pizza eater illustration from the previous post and polished it up. Mark my word, I’ll be eating pizza tomorrow for lunch.

cartoon illustration

Diving Goldfish

My daughter is at camp this week, so I dashed off a little postcard for her. I never know if mail from home helps or just makes them homesick. I try to make them as silly as possible. For kids, you can’t go wrong with animal humor.

I’m hoping when she’s not in the pool, she is staying dry. We had some rain this morning. The goldfish didn’t seem to mind it, though.