Bible love

Psalm 36:5-7

When I read this psalm today, the words just inspired me to doodle away.


Looking for love in January

In January, we look for love. We look for something to warm the cold. Success comes by February 14th.

That desert of time between Christmas and Valentine’s day is a time when a lot of people do some searching. Luckily, I’ve already found love. But I remember those cold winter days. I’d shed a tear if it wouldn’t freeze to my cheek.

love sketch diary

Never as easy as it sounds

Why is the “love your neighbor” thing so hard to do? Why is it whenever I try to love my neighbor, everyone else is on their worst behavior? I can’t do it without help, that’s for sure!

children cartoons Illustration Friday love

Smitten: Illustration Friday

I’ve decided I need to focus more on my illustration. There is a site called Illustration Friday. It gives a topic and illustrators give their take on a word that week. Here is my take on the word, “smitten.”

I began with five thumbnail sketches on the topic. I chose the bottom corner one because I liked the way it told a story. What happened before this moment? Will Cupid and the girl win. Is there a conspiracy going on? Stay tuned!