Cartoon of two men. One says, “Great sermon. I already uploaded the highlights to Youtube.”
Category: Religion Cartoons
I read an article from Ministry Tech Magazine. It was talking about cloud computing and how it’s coming faster than anyone would have anticipated. No, it didn’t answer on what day God created the Internet!
The author talked about how netbooks and iPhones are totally changing the way we use computers. it reminded me of a problem we had at my church the other week. I normally use the Internet for portions of my lesson and accessing files from my MobileMe account. IT changed the setup so there was no longer a password needed to get onto the wireless.
The only problem was, I couldn’t get on at all. It seemed all the smartphones were hogging the connection. Whether people were using the wi-fi or not, the phones aggressively accessed the wi-fi nonetheless.
It amazes me how pervasive technology has become in our church in such a small amount of time. How has technology affected how your church works?
This is an illustration I did last year for a children’s curiculum. It was talking about whether stealing was ever okay and if there were different levels of stealing.
This illustration is copyrighted by Church of God Ministries. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator
This is a sketch right out of my book. I had to add the type so it would be readable. Those camera phones aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but at least you can see the drawing.
Cartoon: One dog to another, “I feel called to be a missionary to cats.”
Easter in Indiana
Cartoon of a girl in a snowstorm. The caption says, “Macey tries out her Eater dress in the middle of a Midwestern, United States spring.”
Yesterday, it was 77°f here (25°c). A cold front moved through. We have a chance of snow flurries among the cold, gusty winds. Sunday promises to have a high of only 43°f (6°c). I’m going to feel sorry for all the ladies and girls in Easter dresses! Hang on, there! spring is coming, it’s just hidden right now.