sketch journal

Self portrait, June 19, 2013

It’s been a while since I just drew for no particular reason. I nearly forgot how good it felt to get in the zone and just let the pen do the work. Now that we have cameras in our cell phones and computers, we no longer have an excuse that we couldn’t hold a pose for very long. I just drew from a snapshot my Mac took.

I also wanted to test how to post from a WordPress app.


sketch journal webcomic

Tough, Quiet Jobs

Cartoon of two men. One says, “The toughest job I ever had was when I interviewed mimes.”

sketch journal

Beach Oracle

I drew this about twelve years ago at the beach. I wonder now what this boy was thinking as he was staring at the shell and if he ever got his questions answered.

Most adults look at kids and think they have a carefree existence where everything is better than anything an adult could be going through. But as a teacher, I’ve seen experience some tough situations. School and family can be enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone a nine year-old!

Kids need some time to decompress and de-stress too. In the USA, we’re about to enter a holiday weekend. Take some time to relax, and give your kids a chance to do so as well.

Boy stares thoughtfully at a sea shell

sketch journal

Get your sleep, Kids!


Here’s something out of the sketchbook. Yes, you can make a sketch out of nothing. If you see me today, I may look far worse than this doodle. Consider it a fair warning.

Find something today that seems ordinary and put it in your sketchbook or journal. And one more thing: be sure to get your sleep so you won’t look like me!

sketch journal

Do computers age you?

Sketch of a man who is aging thanks to his computer

Sketch of a man who is aging thanks to his computer

Do you ever have those days where you feel the computer is aging you? My problem is I forget to take a break every once in a while. If my eyes didn’t scream it me to blink, I could stay in a trance indefinitely.

This sketch came from a sketchbook I drew in 1999. I was spending a lot of time in front of a CRT then. Yes, you can tell by the blue line we were using CRT’s with humongous picture tubes then. I saved a lot of room when those monitors went the way of the mastodon.

What about you? Do you feel the computer adds a few extra laugh lines to your face?