cartoon School Cartoons technology cartoons

Modern Homework Excuses

Boy to teacher: “The computer scanner ate my report.”

I remember only one time when I messed up on getting my homework done. The teacher made sure it never happened again. My ears are still ringing from the tongue lashing she gave me.

The nice thing about technology is it gives a whole new range of excuses. But don’t bet on getting away with them!

cartoon technology cartoons

Computer Angel

There is word the Zune isn’t doing so hot.

If only all this technology would behave. Of course, if the computer is acting angelic, do we really trust it? Not me. Even now, if my computer acts angelic, I start wondering what it’s up to.

cartoon technology cartoons work

Off the Chip episode 219

“The company wanted to save money so they hired a new I.T. consulting firm.”

I heard the other day of a consultant who’s primary task was to keep himself working with a client. He didn’t want to do anything that would put him out of work so he kept doing scrappy little pieces of work to look like he was bein successful, yet he was ensuring he wasn’t reaching the ultimate goal.

I have also seen a few luddite I.T. guys before. Can’t say I blame them. A new technology comes along and it’s just new enough to mess up the whole system when implemented. There is nothing like starting from scratch just when you have all the computers talking nice to each other!