
Illustration Friday: Stitch

Illustration Friday: Stitch, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Here’s a nice, family portrait of everyone’s favorite monster. Did the stitch come from Victor Frankenstein himself, or was it that touch football game he was in back in October? You’ll have to ask him.



Merry-Catmas, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Here is a Christmas card based on actual events. Our cat ruined our tree one year. Today, the tree has been saved thanks to packing tape on the bottom branches. It worked like a charm.

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Backwards

Illustration Friday: Backward, originally uploaded by speartoons.

It’s been snowing in my hometown. Looks like most of the northern United States has put of with this weather.

I miss the days I went sledding with my son. Now, he is taller than me. Getting on the sled just isn’t as easy as it used to be!

children cartoons Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Illustration Friday: Little Things

Serendipity! I was working on this illustration when Illustration Friday announced “Little things” was the theme.

I liked the play in this photo. Is the little thing the boy or whatever the boy is hiding from the teacher? You decide!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas

Santa Makeover?

3454 Cartoon, originally uploaded by speartoons.

I wonder if Santa gets tired of his wardrobe? What if he looks better in spring colors? The poor man!