Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Hat Nursery Rhyme

There was an old man who lived in a hat,
When it came to the ladies, he was all that.

Mother Goose isn’t mad at me, is she? Hold all my calls.

children cartoons illustration

Fall Back

The leaves are starting to fall in Indiana. The bright colors are a swan song for the leaves. I saw a few screaming this morning. The poor things must be cold. I’m sure I saw them shaking as they fell.


Clown’s Lament

Well, Halloween is over. I can’t dress like a clown anymore. At least, not on purpose. Oh well, there’s 364 more shopping days until the next time.


An Angel’s Halloween

I took this sketch out of my book and added some color in Photoshop. I’m ready to see the costumes tonight. Let’s see what the creative moms dreamed up this year.

illustration sketch diary

Who’s Walking Who?

Around the Spear household, we are learning to be the pack leader. Some days are better than others. Our new dog-let’s just call her a puppy-is still trying to make her mark.

Walking the dog has been a trip because we discovered she is terrified of vehicles. We have also discovered she likes to plant her feet. Cesar Millan may not be happy with us. I need to watch the Dog Whisperer again.