cartoon Religion Cartoons

Easter in Indiana

Cartoon of girl with Easter dress in a snowstorm
Cartoon of a girl in a snowstorm. The caption says, “Macey tries out her Eater dress in the middle of a Midwestern, United States spring.”

Yesterday, it was 77°f here (25°c). A cold front moved through. We have a chance of snow flurries among the cold, gusty winds. Sunday promises to have a high of only 43°f (6°c). I’m going to feel sorry for all the ladies and girls in Easter dresses! Hang on, there! spring is coming, it’s just hidden right now.

illustration Warner Press

Kids Prayer Request Card

Here’s an illustration I’ve done this morning for Warner Press. It’s for a prayer card. In July, you can have a prayer card for the kids in your pew.

This artwork is property of Warner Press. Do not reproduce in any way without their permission.

illustration Warner Press

David Liverett publishes a line of cards

One of the illustrators we work with at Warner Press has a feature in our local paper. The article is “Local Illustrator Published Second Series of Greeting Cards.”

David Liverett is a neat guy. I’ve known him since college and gave me some good advice back then on how to tackle the illustration market.

My work is nowhere detailed as my stuff. He is into realism and does a spectacular job rendering old barns and lighthouses. He also has a few books on the market featuring his work.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Post Vacation Stress

Cartoon of a boy and girl
Caption reads: “I’m suffering from PVSD: Post Vacation Stress Disorder.”

Whew! I’m not looking forward to waking the kids this morning. The well-oiled machine will squeaky this morning. It was hard enough getting everyone to bed last night. Our biological clocks think it is still vacation. Oh, Florida! How we miss ye!

It was a great time for the family. Now back to reality!

sketch diary

Cold Water and Shells

Here is a little sketch out of my Moleskine.

The water has been a bit cold, but the kids are enjoying the shells. I am having a great time with my nephew and kids. The beach has been very, very good to us.

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