cartoon church cartoons

Low Overhead

Cartoon low overhead at churchCartoon of a man at a sidewalk stand. The sign says Gurgle Grove church. The pastor says to a woman, “We prefer a low overhead.”

It’s that lovely time of year where budgets are squeezed, tested and pushed. What are some good ways to cut expenses? I know! Cut that overhead.

I thought of the ideal for this cartoon when I was in the middle of a lengthy, boring, budget meeting. Thank heavens you can doodle and make it look like note-taking!

children cartoons Illustration Friday

IF: Might Digital

Here is my version of “might”, in a digital style. I still waffle over what is better: organic color pencils or the digitized twenty-first century!

children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Fri: Might

I’m trying a few things with color pencil. Strange, but when I think of might, I think of the anxiety that comes with it. This kid may be strong but he holds the world ( or at least he thinks he does.)

Might doesn’t make right. It only gives you something else to worry about.


Jonah Boards a ship

This is a sketch based a project I was doing at Warner Press. It is from the story of Jonah.

“But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD.”
Jonah 1:3 (niv)

Man! this guy thought the story ended there. Jonah is about to be rudely awaken!

cartoon technology cartoons

Computer Angel

There is word the Zune isn’t doing so hot.

If only all this technology would behave. Of course, if the computer is acting angelic, do we really trust it? Not me. Even now, if my computer acts angelic, I start wondering what it’s up to.