"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator

Drawing a Day 007

Drawing a Day 007, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Drawing from sketchbook 0806, page 130-schnauzer
This was done in Adobe Illustrator. The outlines are a 2 point pressure brush. I drew the lines on a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons

Drawing a Day 006

Drawing a Day 006, originally uploaded by speartoons.

It’s those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer. This would be a good day to examine some ants and consider their ways.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" Adobe Illustrator children cartoons

Drawing a Day 005

Drawing a Day 005, originally uploaded by speartoons.

A duck scolds a boy. I’ve been amused when I’ve witnessed the littlest creatures have the biggest attitudes. A little critter can be the ruler of the roost.

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Homage

Illustration Friday: Homage
Originally uploaded by speartoons

When I heard the word, homage, I thought of paying respects to the ever industrious animal of the insect world.

Ants fascinate me whenever I have a chance to see what they are carting off. How can such a little creature lift such big things?

Adobe Illustrator illustration


Originally uploaded by speartoons

I wonder what my dog and cat do while I am at work. I can imagine my puppy helping herself to the ice cream. The problem is, the cat would demand a cut in the dog’s findings.

This is illustration is rendered in Adobe Illustrator.